I'm gonna go back to Union again, the college in the West, back to new Rees Hall once more, the chapel and the new bookstore. I'm gonna go back to Union again, the college I love best; I'm gotta go back, I'm gonna go back to Union again. And yes I'm gonna get busy slingin' the ink and passin' the pen along. =)
How did this come about? I know, I left Union last semester because of finances and because I was looking at other options. I have been looking for the quickest possible route of getting an education in the medical field so that I could go overseas to do medical mission work. Union did not seem to be the right place. However, nothing else seemed to be working out either. I finally went back to the original plan of getting a nursing degree. The fastest way to do this is to complete my International Rescue and Relief degree at Union College this next year. After graduation, I will enter an accelerated nursing program at South Dakota State University where I will be able to get a BSN within 12 months.
It has been amazing how God has been working things out for me. I think that Union is the only college available where I could apply, get accepted, set up financial plan, and get preregistered within two weeks. The staff are so incredibly helpful. Of course, it helps that they are my friends (first-name basis). I don't know any other college that is like that.
So, anyhow, that is where my life is now. July 14 I will be starting an online class and then August 17 I will be heading down to Union. I already have an apartment lined up and a roommate for second semester at least. God is soooo good!