Hi everyone!
Wow, its been awhile since I sent out an update . . . shame on me! So what's new? Well, I started work at the Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility on August 28 in the OB department, and I'm really enjoying it so far! There is so much to learn! I'm trying to soak up as much as I can from everyone, including the midwives and doctors so that when I head to PNG I'll have a lot more confidence in at least this area of nursing.
God has been so good to me since I came here! And I have to remind myself often that God is the one who brought me here and He has a special work for me to do . . . though I'm still trying to find out what it is. The needs here are huge, with a population of 180,000+ and an unemployment rate of 43% and an annual per capita income of less that $6000. This places the majority of the Navajo people below the poverty line. Drugs and alcohol, domestic violence, and many other issues are common here on the rez, but the people do not easily trust outsiders, making it difficult to reach out to them with God's love. We do have an SDA presence here on the rez, with several different mission projects taking place in Paige, AZ, Monument Valley, UT, Holbrook, AZ, and La Vida Mission in New Mexico. Even here in Chinle we have a church of sorts. We have a building at least, though in need of extensive repairs. The current 'pastor' is a police officer who really doesn't pay much attention to the church, other than to teach the Sabbath School lesson for 2 hours on Sabbath morning. The church here used to be a lot more healthy, but gradually the members began drifting away. Some of these members have been contacted and they tell us that they would still come to church if it weren't for the pastor and his wife. Wow, how sad . . . So, things need to change and I'm praying that I can be part of that change in some way. Yes, it can be lonely here, but God has provided another young lady with a missionary heart to be my friend here. She is the teacher at the little SDA school here in town, and while we don't share all the same likes and dislikes (ie. she is NOT adventurous and dislikes hiking/climbing/etc), we both wish to be used by God to reach out to those around us.

One of the biggest blessings of the last four months came just a week ago when I had the opportunity to fly to Houston, TX and attend the Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC) conference. What a blessing to interact with young people from around the world who love God and want nothing more than to be used by Him! It was such an incredible blessing! The theme of the convention was "Fill Me: Our Earnest Plea" and as you can guess, studying about and praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was the main topic. While there, I saw so many obstacles in my life that I myself have placed. These obstacles keep God from the doing the work that He wants to do in and through me, via the presence of the Holy Spirit. My prayer now is that God will give strenght and motivation to get rid of these obstacles so that He can use me in any way He wants, without self getting in the way. I pray that each one of you will also examine your own lives, identify the obstacles and then ask God to get rid of them so that together all of God's people can receive the promised rain.
Thank-you to all of you for your prayers . . . please keep praying not only for me, but also for our church and our world. Stay in close connection with heaven, for that is the only way to true and lasting happiness! The way may become dark and dangerous, but the destination is worth every sacrifice!
Mission Pilot in training
Hope On Wings Foundation
Hope On Wings Foundation