- Hide quoted text - Dear Corrie, February 3, 2011
It is a cold -6 degrees outside this morning but in my heart it is warm and delightful! God has spread over me His mantle of peace and I am reveling in His love. There is true joy in serving Him like no other.
We had a little blizzard on Tuesday and our road has been covered with drifts till this morning so nobody has been coming or going. I am using the time to do a makeover on our website and work on other office type work.
We got the Kitfox unloaded into the hangar just before the storm and hid it in the garage portion with a large tarp over the opening. It is a good thing we took those precautions because with the large hangar door opening still un-covered there was 1-3 inches of snow everywhere in there.
Thankfully our little attached home on the South side was closed in well enough that the wind only managed to force a few handfuls of snow in.
We are in full preparation for the trip to Papua New Guinea in March. I have been in contact with Silas Morgan and he has set up two venues for the evangelism thrusts. One in Vanimo and the other in Madang. My Sister, Dr Rose McCluskey, has been able to get some of her tickets and she tells me the prices are lower than ever due to the flooding in Australia. I have never seen prices this low. I am expecting that God will provide for me to purchase tickets soon.
Silas tells me the people in Vanimo and Madang are really excited that we are coming and are preparing for the programs. Specific prayers are requested. There is always opposition when the Sanctuary message is proclaimed and when Dr. Rose travels she has hundreds of pounds of luggage.
This will be evangelism programs 139 and 140 for Dr. Rose. I am delighted to be able to assist in preparation and possibly in translating. Also while there I hope to be able to make a trip to Green River where we have recently sent my friend, Gideon Apen to continue the work that Silas was able to get started. I hope to bring back many pictures to share. My intentions are also to make some connections regarding our launch later this year with the BushKing.
We have received good news from Chris Visage from BushKing as well. He has told me that everything is going more smoothly than expected and the dates for the first kit to arrive in North Carolina have been moved up considerably. I told him that with so many of us praying for the success of this project, he could expect that God would be working in a powerful way. I am confident that God will be providing for us to take Chris up on his offer. He has reminded me again that as soon as they get this first kit done, it will be time for a few builders to join them for kits 2 and up and benefit from the training of the South African builder and designer. He wants us to send two or our team for that. It may be that will be as early as May or June now.
There has been considerable interest in our New Mexico home and we are hoping that will sell soon. Ray and Crystal have scheduled concerts in Arizona and New Mexico through February and March and He is working on April dates closer to Hepler in faith that they will be moving by end of March. We believe we can finish our home here in time to make this one ready for them.
I have simply not had the time to prepare another color newsletter for mail out as I have been concentrating on redoing our website so it will be easier to keep up to date and reflect what is happening. With two pilot trainees sharing the story as well as several ambassadors bringing people to the site and showing the videos, we need to be sure the website is always current. So today will be another day at the computer.
Just before the storm, Dave Pearson, Bob Medcalf, Elana and I managed to finish putting the metal siding on the East and West ends of the hangar and install the walk in door on the West end. It has been too cold to do the masonry work on the house so things are on hold for warmer weather there.
We are excited that another volunteer has offered to come help us with the construction in the next few weeks. Also Corrie will be arriving for good next week and she is a great help. The more hands the better and when there are several helping, I have more time to do the office work.
We are hoping the equipment will be available very soon to do the work on the airstrip so we can get the grass planted in the early spring. We have scheduled a fly in camp-meeting in September and need a place for them to land!
I want to thank you personally, Corrie, for your pledge to pray daily for Hope On Wings. It is your prayers that keep God's work going forward. Pray for all of those on the front lines who rely on God for all daily needs. Remember, it is very much like a military campaign. Missionaries are on the front lines and rely heavily on the supply lines and communication links to be able to have the upper hand in the warfare they are fighting against principalities and spiritual powers.
God is making bare His Holy Right Arm and people in His church are waking up everywhere to the times in which we live. Last weekend we attended a wonderful seminar on the baptism of the Holy Spirit by Dennis Smith. It was exciting to see how many people came from all around. The stories I am hearing from many churches are very encouraging. One man told me his church gathers to pray daily for the baptism of the Holy Spirit at 6pm. DAILY! WOW! There is a spiritual awakening going on and I want to be in the middle of it. How about you?
Jack Sample
Hope On Wings Foundation
Our Mandate
God's people have a mighty work before them, a work that must continually rise to greater prominence. Our efforts in missionary lines must become far more extensive. A more decided work than has been done must be done prior to the second appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. God's people are not to cease their labors until they shall encircle the world.--6T 23, 24
Specific needs:
Increased Prayer Team - Send link to friends and invite them to join the newsletter list. Tell them to watch the video
More Ambassadors
March PNG Trip: $3,500 minimum (current high priority)
BushKing: Initial $25,000 for kit (estimate $65,000 for completed)
Sharing Project: 1000 DVDs and brochures for Ambassadors - $1400
David Hicks: Airplane - $65,000 launch - $25,000 (includes shipping airplane) Monthly - $7500 (Training costs come out of monthly while in States) Corrie Sample: Airplane - $65,000 launch - $25,000 (includes shipping airplane) Monthly - $7500 (Training costs come out of monthly while in States)
Flight Instructor / mechanic - monthly to be determined
Home Office - monthly expenses
Vanimo base
Click on this link to read this and past newsletters on the website. http://HopeOnWings.org/gallery/news
Click Here to make tax deductible donation online This is where you can easily set up an automatic $10 or more monthly deduction from your account or do a one time donation of any size.
Send tax deductible donations by check payable to:
Hope On Wings Foundation
PO BOX 122
Hepler, KS 66746
Hope on Wings Foundation is a tax exempt 501C3 organization.
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