Friday, February 15, 2008

New Opportunities

"Hi Corrie, this is Karen. I just wanted to let you know that my mom passed away this afternoon so we no longer will need you to come take care of her in the afternoons." And just like that, I'm jobless again. Now what? I just turned down an amazing firefighting opportunity because of Sabbath issues, and now I don't have the one job that was keeping me going financially. Did I do the right thing? Is God really that particular about the Sabbath? Fighting fires is something that has to be done, no matter the day of the week right? I would be saving land, houses, and very possibly lives. Aren't those things that could be done on Sabbath? But then, also, I would be expected to help in non-emergency situations to clean up after the fire. There would also be scouting for potential fires. Knowing myself, the strain of working long hours and not getting enough sleep would cut down my time spent with God and would cause more problems than it was worth. So I knew the decision to decline that job was sound. But now to start jobhunting.
That all happened Tuesday night. Well, God's timing is impeccable. Wednesday morning at 11:45, while I was up at the Wellness Center helping out in the office, I got a phone call. It was one of the crew supervisors for the Oglala Sioux Tribes Ambulance Service. I had applied with them over a month ago to work as an EMT and hadn't heard anything from them. But they called with a job offer and said that I could probably get the shift I want. Its a 48 hour shift from midnight Tuesday to midnight Thursday every week. This will allow me to still help out at the Black Hills Health and Education Center, be a part of the Hayward Volunteer Fire Dept., and have weekends completely free. God knew exactly what He was doing!!!
Don't we serve an amazing God! And not only did He provide work for me, but He has also provided an amazing business opportunity online. A company that my Dad has been with for the last 3 years is going public sometime this year with internet technology that allows them to offer a MOBILE internet connection that is 7x's faster than DSL, PLUS Voice Over Internet Phone service that can be used anywhere anytime with unlimited calling and blanket coverage of the entire continent! All for only $30/month! Now thats unbeatable! So I'm just gonna let people know about it, 'cause it coming out soon. If you want more info, check out the Wireless Internet link on my sidebar.
So anyhew, thats whats going on in my life at the present. It is such an adventure, when God's ways are followed. He knows exactly what we need and what we want. And as long as we stay connected with Him, He will direct us in such a way as to fulfill all of our hearts desires.
God bless you all!

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