Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bolivia Update 3 - 11/15/10

Hey, what do you know . . .an update two days in a row! Enjoy it, because this one will probably be the last one in quite a while! Plans have changed at the last minute, as they usually do. I´m once again sitting in the internet cafĂ©, though previous plans dictated that I be sitting on a bus all day today and all night as well. Daniel is on that bus, but I´m not . . . I found an opportunity that I just couldn´t pass up! There is a missionary family that lives in a little indigenous village named Las Amalias, located 3 days upriver from the nearest town, Riberalta. They just moved to the village in May of this year and are working to establish a clinic and missionary training center there. The goal is to establish a place where young people can continue their education once out of secondary school (equivalent of high school), then place them in various villages along the river as missionaries. However, since they are just getting started, they are still working on establishing a relationship with the various villages along the river. So, over the next two months, the plan is to travel to those various villages, spending a week or so in each one, and hold medical clinics, health education meetings, and VBSs, and I will get to help with all of them :) So I´m rather excited! We are leaving by the end of this week and I won´t be back in communication until the end of December at the earliest. Please continue to pray for me . . . this next adventure will be sure to stretch my comfort zone way out beyond its already stretched boundaries! I can clearly see God leading in this direction, and I praise Him for making things plain and for always having such perfect timing! Serving Him is the most exciting thing anyone could ever do, though sometimes it can be quite painful too. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and your interest in what is happening here in Oblivia!


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